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Multitasking.....or not.

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Lets talk multi tasking……..
Or rather let's not! For many years now, I have been proud of my multi tasking abilities or rather what I thought were abilities, but something this weekend made me reconsider.
Let's just say I had my eyes opened to what is really going on when I am attempting to perform two or more things at once.
By taking this multitasking approach, I have generally been getting away with it but, I’ve also been draining the calm and tranquility away from myself.

Multiple thoughts..........
As a creative person, once my imagination is triggered with an idea, I am on full speed invention, this creative train has left the station, it's running at top speed and wont stop until it has reached its destination. However unlike others, do I stop when I have this creative burst to sit and focus on the creative inspiration……… No I keep multitasking thoughts and actions!
I keep going with what I’m already doing, but now with another thought running on of ideas, oh and then I’ll probably add home life thoughts and actions on top of this too (e.g cleaning, mum stuff, shopping…). You get the picture, I’m not focusing on the task in hand any more, rather I’m multitasking juggling many balls and this weekend one dropped.

So I’m at the point now of giving myself a really good talking too and thats why dear reader, I’m telling you about it too. If by putting it down in typed form, it helps to sink into my brain that I should not multitask and makes me go for the old ‘one thing at a time done well’ approach then all the better.
Equally, if I look back on this writing, in a years time and realise I have fallen back into my old ways of multitasking and can use this piece of writing to confirm action must be taken, then all the better!
Multitasking a deception?
I don’t blame anyone for me taking this multitasking approach, but to be honest it does make me wonder why as a female I have in the past been encouraged to state (or should I even say brag) at how the gender I identify with (females) are the ultimate multitaskers.
Have we been spun a line by society that encourages 'female multi tasking' because it means we do a lot more generally? and if so, at what cost to us and the quality of our output.

Time to watch and change......
I’ve watch my husband with great interest on many occasion perform a task with the nagging thought in my head (oh he could be doing this or that now as well). To my great shame, it really took me until he experienced his brain injury that I saw the qualitative result in performing one action at a time and to its best ability. He always did one thing at a time, long before this incident in his life, but it is only really since the injury that I have valued his approach.
If you are reading this and think oh I haven't time for one thing at a time and you are happy multitasking, then I say good luck to you and wish you the best. However, if recognise yourself in these words and maybe know deep down that focusing on one task properly will help you slow down, have satisfaction of full completion and not forget important tasks and issues, then maybe you might want to consider this approach to life for 2022 too.
Today a lovely social media chum wrote these words
"I love using your wax melts; the whole process of reading the ingredients, their purposes and choosing one is a delight before I even melt one."
So guess what am I going to do today?.....thats right, I'm going to melt one or two of my essential oil wax melts and take time in the process.
Maybe thats the key.........'take time in the process'
Make a suggestion.....
If you have any suggestions or experience of how you have slowed down to keep on track of tasks or managed the ‘one thing at a time well’ proposal, I would love to hear them and share them too, as I hope to write more on this subject. If you would like to leave a comment or suggestion, just scroll down to the bottom of this page.x
Thanks for reading……

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Jan 31, 2022

You are so right! This really resonated with me today. As I read this I am also drinking my coffee, eating my toast and taking my tablets. I know that in 10 minutes time I will have eaten the toast without realizing it and thinking ,did I take my tablets or have I dropped one?? I suppose it all comes down to being mindful. Of savouring every mouthful of breakfast. Closing my eyes and enjoying the creamy hot coffee, and monitoring my tablets. Then I can pay total attention to what I am reading. Thank you for making me think about what I am doing. X

Jan 31, 2022
Replying to

Hello and thank you for your comment. I'm so glad it resonates with you also. As soon as you mentioned eating your toast while taking medication, I knew exactly what you meant by saying "I will have eaten the toast without realising it and thinking ,did I take my tablets or have I dropped one?" We all do it don't we? rush head long without slowing down. I think you are right, it really comes down to being mindful and perhaps thinking we are worthy of giving ourselves this mindful moment. Here's to enjoying every bite of the tasty toast and savouring the hot drinks. Take care and wishing you positive botanical positive vibes.x

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